River Has Visitors!
26 February 2021
Today, Nana and Pop Pop came to visit their grandson. River was happy to hang on their laps, and even shared some of his winning smiles with them. To make the visit extra special, Bud made everyone his famous burritos. We had a great visit. Then, River took his bath with Daddy and was in bed with Mommy by 7pm.
Small Milestones
25 February 2021
River is moving further and further away from being the helpless infant he was. He is now able to hold an object in his hand and bring it to his mouth to chew on. He’s not an expert, and misses the mark as much as he’s successful in his task. He also forgets that he needs to keep holding the object, lets go, and then seems bewildered as to why the thing is no longer in his mouth.
Secondly, River has graduated to wanting to be carried in his carrier facing out. Everything fascinates him now, and he loves to watch whatever we are doing, whether we are taking him for a walk or making a fruit salad. We always thought we would be sad to see River leave each phase, but, every new change is so exciting; here’s no time to miss what has passed. There’s only the joy of experiencing all his new accomplishments along with him.
River Goes for a Stroll
24 February 2021
Today River is four months old! It’s hard to believe he has only been with us for this short time when it feels like he has always been a part of our family. To celebrate, Bud took the day off from work to enjoy the beautiful day. Bud spent the first half of the day catching up on chores. Then, when he was done, we went for a nice walk in Fairhaven on the bike trail. This was our first walk in Fairhaven in over a month, and our first in the stroller since probably November. River has been going through a phase of hating his car seat. However, we’ve found that if we put him in less clothing, he does better, and we were able to get him to Fairhaven with no tears, and he dozed off a few minutes before our arrival. He awoke about twenty minutes into our walk. We thought we would have to head back to the car, but he surprised us by being relaxed, and even interested in looking around at the surroundings. We even turned his seat around to face forward. As long as we blocked the sun from his face (his eyes are still very sensitive to sunlight), he was happy. It was good to be able to get out in the fresh air, and we’re looking forward to being able to spend more time outside now that the weather will be getting a little more accommodating.
22 February 2021
I know we are biased, but we think this baby is pretty darn cute! I wonder if he’ll let us do these photo shoots when he’s a teenager?
Preserving Memories
18 February 2021
Having a baby during Covid comes with its set of challenges, but one of the greatest is not being able to share our new Lovebug with our loved ones. River is almost four months old, and he hasn’t met his aunts and uncles, cousins, friends and other loved ones, many of whom live thousands of miles away. We want to share River’s day-to-day with family who can’t be here to see him for themselves
We are also creating this blog as a keepsake for us and River to look back on over the years. The days go by so quickly, and River is constantly changing. Every day, he is surprising us with a new skill or trait. It seems like just last week he was a newborn who rarely graced us with his open eyes, and now he’s a chatterbox who loves to talk and smile. This blog will help us remember the little moments and small milestones. We don’t want to forget a moment of his growing up, and we want to be able to share these moments with him one day.
Tiny Living
17 February 2021
We are a family of three living in a 450 square foot apartment. There are a lot of benefits to living in a tiny space. It’s easier to clean. It’s more affordable. It’s cozy. It’s more conducive to togetherness.
There are some challenges, though, especially because we have a lot of hobbies that require gear- backpacking, music, photography, books, cooking. I love that we have so many hobbies, and I cannot wait to share these hobbies with River, but finding room to store the gear for these hobbies is a challenge.
We always try to follow the rule that if we get a new thing, we must get rid of something else. Well, a baby comes with quite a few new things. We spent much of our summer “culling,” and were therefore very well- prepared for River’s arrival, space-wise. But this process requires maintenance, and so much of Bud’s February vacation was spent this way. This entails taking all of our possessions out of dressers and closets and deciding what we use and what we can spare. We make three piles- sell/ give away/ trash. It’s amazing how many things we find that we don’t use, even though we try to be as minimalistic as possible.
So, February vacation wasn’t much of a “vacation” for Bud, having to do almost all of the work alone while I took on River duty. But it was a very productive week, and we are happy we were able to make the apartment a little more livable for us and River.
February Staycation
15 February 2021
Today officially starts Bud’s February vacation, and River and I are loving the extra family together-time. The temperatures continue to remain below freezing, so we have been staying inside and enjoying lots of snuggle and play time.
Tracking and Grabbing
14 February 2021
We have been working on tracking and grabbing with River. He’s an expert at tracking people, toys, and picture cards up, down, side-to-side, and diagonally. He loves looking at contrasting black and white images, but has recently begun to enjoy color images as well. His favorite is an image of a monarch butterfly.
Grabbing is coming more slowly. He will hold an object we place into his hand, but he doesn’t seem quite aware that he is holding the object, or at least isn’t quite interested in the object yet. He is still fascinated by his hands and happily chews on them all day long, with rivulets of drool streaming down his chin.
Warm and Cozy Saturday
February 13
Today it was very cold outside, so we stayed inside where it was warm and cozy. River was extra excited to have Daddy home, which may have been part of the reason he struggled with his naps today. Napping for River at this age, 3.5 months, means sitting on Mommy’s lap and rocking, with the option of drinking some milk whenever he stirs a bit. This may not be the best habit to build, but it is what it is for now. I’m just happy he sleeps. When he wasn’t napping, River had a fun day of playing and snuggling with Mommy and Daddy. His favorite game right now is making sounds for us to repeat back to him. This game brings about a smile that takes up half of his face. He also enjoys sitting on our laps like a big boy and watching us do things around the apartment. He is always taking in all the goings on with wide, fascinated eyes.
New Teddy
12 February 2021
River got a new teddy this week. We spent some time with him after seeing Daddy off to work today. River and he are not best friends yet, but I have a feeling they will be some day.
11 February 2021
A Typical Day in the Life of River
10 February 2021
River here! I had such a great day today! I fell asleep last night the earliest ever, at 7:30! Of course, Mommy had to come to bed with me to nurse me to sleep. But she likes to go to bed early, too!
When I woke up this morning, Daddy had time to play with me before going to work! Today is a Wednesday, so he can get to work a little later today. Something about Wednesdays being “remote learning” days, whatever that means.
Then I helped Mommy fold the clothes. As you can see, I have to wear a bib now because I drool like a Saint Bernard. Mommy and Daddy wonder if maybe I’m teething because in addition to the drool, I’m always putting my fingers in my mouth and furrowing my brow while I chew on them.
After we folded clothes, I had some milk while Mommy had some coffee and worked on my blog.
After my milk, it was time for a little tummy time and then a nap. I napped on Mommy’s lap and Mommy covered me with the blanket Nana embroidered for me so I was nice and warm (and so she could rest her IPad on top of me, I suspect). While I slept, I dreamt of drinking milk. Mommy told me she could tell because my little lips were moving in my sleep. I guess I always do this when I nap. Mommy and Daddy think it’s cute!
Later, I was so patient in my Baby Bjorn chair while Mommy took a shower. Then she thought she could blow dry her hair! What was she thinking? I had been such a good boy waiting for her, and she wants dry hair? I let her know right away that I was not pleased by crying, and she put her hair up in a wet bun like a good mommy.
Daddy came home in the afternoon, and we hung out on the recliner. I saved my poop all day just for him. Then, Daddy made dinner for Mommy so that she could make my milk. Last, I had my bath, we read a new book called “Silly Lullaby,” and I was asleep by 7:45pm. Of course, I woke up again two hours later, but Mommy said it was okay because it gave her an excuse to get up and eat some Oreos with milk!
Independent Baby
9 February 2021
The older River gets, the more time he is happy to play independently. Right now, he loves looking at pictures while laying in his Lovevery play gym. Today, River even reached up and grabbed onto a wooden ring hanging above his head while he and Daddy played.
Look how much River has grown and changed since October!
8 February 2021
Snow and the Super Bowl
7 February 2021
Today River experienced two new firsts- his first Super Bowl, and his first walk in the snow. He slept through both of them.
River woke up in a cheerful mood, as usual. He LOVES morning time! He always wakes up with a big smile and a lot to say (“Agoo!”) River helped Daddy make coffee and went outside for a few minutes to get some fresh air. It wasn’t snowing yet, but it would be starting soon.
We returned from grocery shopping to find Pop Pop and Nana had arrived to visit and watch the Super Bowl. Because River was asleep in his car seat, we decided it would be a good opportunity to give him some fresh air while he napped. Pop Pop joined us as we walked around the block. River slept, and we enjoyed the beauty, smell, and sounds of the falling snow.
River played with his Nana and Pop Pop. He got all dressed up to root for Tom Brady (special thank you to Uncle Dave and Mary for the adorable outfit!) But he was so exhausted from all the day’s excitement, it was an early bath and bedtime for both River and Mommy. As usual, River had another great day!
Visit with Memere and Pepere
6 February 2021
Today, River had a special treat. Memere and Pepere came to visit with and cuddle him, and they brought CeCe the chihuahua. We all had a very nice visit.
Later, River worked on his sit ups with Daddy and drank his milk while Mommy ate the yummy fried rice Daddy made for dinner. Then we all took a walk around the neighborhood, River in the Baby Bjorn carrier. This was the first time River really seemed interested in looking around while we walked. Maybe it’s almost time to start wearing him facing out when it’s warm enough? Later, River snuggled with Daddy in the recliner before bed. It was a great day!
Baby Shower
5 February 2021
Today we took River to meet some new people- our work friends. Before today, River has only interacted with close family. We attended a drive-by baby shower for our good friend, Maureen. Driving to the event was quite the build up. River cried the entire drive before finally passing out before our arrival. We expected River to be all smiles when he encountered, at a distance, his new friends. But he wasn’t. And that’s when it occurred to me. River can’t see anyone’s smiles! We all must look so scary and strange to him with our smiles covered. This is a weird time to be an adult, but it’s also a strange time to be a baby.
While researching nannies for River, most of the current resumes state that the nanny is willing to wear a mask the entire day with your child. My first thought was that, of course, it makes sense to wear a mask. Our nanny would be close to River every day, and she is not a family member. However, the more I thought about it, the more I realized I would not want River to not see a smile for the majority of his day. He loves to reciprocate smiles! He only has a few favorite things at this age- taking a bath with Daddy, watching Daddy make dinner, drinking his milk, passing gas, and smiling back at whoever is willing to smile at him. How could I possibly take that joy away? It is a strange time to be a parent and a baby. But River is a happy baby, and he’s content to stay inside his apartment and hang with Mommy and Daddy.
4 February 2021
Parenthood isn’t always pretty pictures. It’s waking up every three hours at night to breastfeed. Or waking up every three hours at night because your wife is up breastfeeding, and you still have to wake up before sunrise to go to work. It’s sitting in the same spot for three hours because your baby won’t nap anywhere but on your lap. It’s super fast showers, or no showers at all. It’s cold coffee, half-eaten dinners, and spit up on every shirt.
Parenthood isn’t always pretty, but it’s always worth it.
So Grateful for our Family and Friends
3 February 2021
I put out a request a couple weeks ago for birthday messages for Bud. When I did this, I did not expect what I would receive. Watching the videos put together by our loved ones made me teary-eyed (I mean, a lot of things do these days. Disrupted sleep and overactive hormones will do that, I guess!) I was so surprised (and I guess I shouldn’t have been!) by the thoughtful messages. Some of the messages were heartfelt, some had us laughing out loud, some were poetic, and some musical, but they were so genuine and kind. It was a reminder of what wonderful family and friends we have.
The world feels a little isolating right now, but watching this video with Bud made it feel quite a bit less so, at least for the evening. And I think that is the best possible gift I could have given. —Aly
I’m so grateful and overwhelmed by the love and kindness showed me on my birthday. It’s nice to hear so many positive things from people that mean so much to me, friends and family, old and new. As I begin this next chapter of my life as a father, it feels like a rebirth. —Bud
Agooo —River
Bud is 40?!
2 February 2021
Today was Bud’s 40th birthday,and I can’t quite wrap my head around it. How is it possible Bud is 40? It feels like just yesterday, he was the 23 year old coming to visit his dad from Colorado, with a sideways baseball cap, endless energy, and so much to say. This was the 23 year old I fell in love with, the boy who kept me laughing as we lived in our run-down apartment in the Flint of Fall River. Eating fish sticks and Knorr sides for every meal. Sitting on our hand-me-down furniture watching Friends DVDs from our incomplete set. Back then, we had crappy jobs, crappy cars, and no money. But we were so in love, we didn’t care.
Now we are approaching middle age, and things are so different. We have great jobs, a reliable car, a nice apartment, and a baby. But I am still just as in love, if not moreso, with my 40 year old husband. I am so grateful to be starting this new decade with you, Bud, and with River, too.
Snow Day
1 February 2021
Remember that feeling of anticipation and excitement you’d get as a kid with the possibility of a Snow Day? Yeah, as teachers, we still get that. So Sunday night, with predictions of heavy snow in the forecast, we refreshed the list of school cancellations compulsively until we finally received “The Call.” Snow days are like a special bonus day, like an extra day added on to a finite year. This bonus day was extra special thanks to River.
Goodbye Pregnancy Weight
January 31
Bud and I both have some pregnancy weight to lose. Normally, we spend our summers hiking our holiday weight away, but this summer, Pregnancy + Pandemic = Extr\a Pounds. So, yesterday we spent our morning cuddling River and brainstorming our weight loss options. We still can’t get outside and exercise as much as we used to, but at least we can stop eating half a stick of butter with our scrambled eggs on the daily. So, after a bit of research and weighing our options, we signed up for Weight Watchers, and took River to the grocery store for some healthy food. Seeing as we are “geriatric” parents, we want to do everything we can to remain healthy for River and his future siblings. Wish us luck!
January 30
A Quiet Saturday Inside
What a great Saturday we had! Bud had planned to rise very early and spend the pre-sunrise hours exercising alone, as it is far too cold this weekend to venture out with River. However, his constitutional was cut short by the extreme “feels like” -4 degree temperatures, and, after Bud returned home, we enjoyed a quiet morning as a family. Bud and I drank coffee and chatted while River slept in my lap. I love how having River here has forced us to slow down after years of go, go, go. There is something so peaceful about a quiet morning in your own living room with your family. Bud captured our happy day using a new photography toy I got him for his birthday, a little lens ball that eerily reminds me of David Bowie in the The Labyrinth. Lastly, River started exercising his legs by “walking” around the apartment (really just dangling from my hands by his arm pits, but we’ve all got to start somewhere, right?) Add to this two baths and a bedtime of 8:30pm, and we were able to achieve a pretty perfect Saturday.
January 29
River is feeling Fri-YAY!
Baby Toes and Cuddles
28 January 2021
Is there anything cuter than little baby toes? Or anything sweeter than little baby cuddles?
Happy Morning
27 January 2021
Today River woke up and seemed to say, “Mama, can we go see if Daddy hasn’t left for work yet?”
So I said, “Ok, River. We can see!”
And lucky for us, Daddy was still cleaning the snow off the car! River was so happy to get to go and and give his Dad one last cuddle before he left for work!
Mama’s Best Birthday
January 26
Birthdays are a weird thing. Why do we celebrate them? Is it because we have survived another year? Is it a convenient opportunity to give accolades to every person once a year? I did some Googling and found that it goes back to a pagan tradition of warding off opportunistic evil spirits that may use this day of change for their nefarious purposes. Whatever the reason, I am grateful that we do celebrate them. I am grateful for the time spent with my favorite people these past couple of days, for my father and Odile coming to take part in a birthday feast planned by Bud. I’m grateful my mother came to cook Bud and me dinner on my birthday. I’m grateful for the beautiful gifts I received that remind me what loving, thoughtful family I have. And I’m grateful that this year, Bud and I have our own little precious gift to cuddle on this and every day. I think my 38th year is going to be one of my best yet!
River’s Photo Shoot
January 25
Sunday, Daddy gave Mommy a new lens for her birthday. Monday, River was a good sport and was willing to be an adorable model for Mommy’s photo shoots!
Pass the Rock!
January 24
River is learning to be a little football fan (and to fit his whole fist in his mouth)! Go Buccaneers! (Or as Dada calls them, Patriots South!)
Mama Goes to the Salon (and worries unnecessarily)
January 23
Today was a day I was dreading all week. Today, I had a hair appointment. Just a quick cut. But I was so nervous to leave River. Usually if I leave, it’s for a quick run to the post office, and even that makes me anxious.
All through my appointment I was worried. What if he won’t take the bottle I left? What if he needs me? What if he cries? As I was leaving the salon, I saw that I had a text message from Bud which included the video below. Needless to say, I actually enjoyed my drive home. I had no reason to worry. Why should I? He was with his Daddy!
As a side note, not only was River happily sleeping while I was gone, but Bud managed to clean the entire apartment! I think I need to go to the salon more often!
January 22
There are only a few special bonds we create over a lifetime. One of the most precious is that between grandparent and grandchild. Grandparents love their grandchildren, but moreso, grandchildren love their grandparents. Although River is too young to really understand the special relationship he will create with his Memere, Pepere, Pop Pop, Nana, Grandma, Grandpa, and Oma, I know he already feels safe and adored in their arms.
There just isn’t much to report some days. River, if you are reading this in the future, know the following:
We loved you every single minute of the day today (as we have done every day you’ve been with us).
I (Dada) couldn’t stop thinking of you while I worked today. Seeing other youngsters learn will always be a reminder of the place you are in in life at the moment: where everything is new, and even little things, like touching different objects or seeing your parent’s smile, represent monumental moments of growth and understanding.
One of Dada’s favorite moments of any day was pulling into the driveway this afternoon, just home from work, and seeing you and Momma heading to the trash can. It was freezing cold outside, but you were warm and safe in Momma’s arms (and by the cute little jacket she dressed you in). It was the best sight. I didn’t have to wait to haul in my teaching accoutrements from car to house to see you. You were right there smiling at me as I rolled down the window of the car to say hello.
You spent most of the afternoon today as a very hungry boy, a little cranky to take your much needed nap, but lovable and cuddly nevertheless.
The best part of my day though was when you sat in my lap and rocked with me. It was a silent ten minutes, but you cuddled into my arms and just sat looking around. It meant a lot to me.
We love you, little man!
21 January 2021
River here!
January 20
River here! Today I had a pretty good day. Three great things happened. First, I heard Mommy and Daddy talking yesterday about how it was weird that I hadn’t been pooping every day, so I decided to poop five times today to make them happy! This is a record this month. Plus, I saved the grand finale for the fifth poop, and now I get a bath with Daddy. Hooray! This makes me happy because I miss Daddy while he’s at work. Second, I’ve been practicing a new skill- holding a toy and bringing it to my mouth. I didn’t think this was that big a deal, but for some reason, it made Mommy cry. And last, my fave cousin Hillarie sent me the most fashionable beanie! Now I look like a true New Englander! Thanks, Hill!
January 19
It’s amazing how much smaller
the world seems with you in it.
And how days seem to both
speed up and slow down at the same time.
It’s so beautiful the way your smile
warms your daddy’s face
And how perfectly your little body
fits against mine.
Monday, 18 January 2021
River had a great day today characterized by the following:
Some really long periods of napping (which he is doing right now on Dada’s lap as he types)
The production of two more whopping poops (seriously, this makes us so happy as it means we have a healthy baby on our hands)
Cuddling in the baby carrier as Mom and Dad walked six miles
A long visit with Pop Pop and Baxter
Did I mention the temperatures were in the upper 40s as well? Honestly though, as nice as the weather has been as of late for our walks with little baby River, I do hope we get more classic New England winters in the coming years: I want River to experience what makes the Northeast so special: the distinctively cold and white winters.
Thanks again, Pop Pop for giving River so much love and attention today!
Football and Poops!
Yay! I am happy to report that River finally pooped again! He had been on a defecation hiatus of sorts over the past four days, and his lack of a proper diaper change had become something we eagerly awaited.
Yes, we know those sorts of runs without a poop are nothing to get down in the dumps about, but it’s still worrisome to newbies.
Maybe worrying is just something we are prone to doing, or maybe it’s just the nature of the job itself? Perhaps these worries really stem from having to dutifully count our little one’s daily poops and pees for two months (a habit we have not broke). Regardless, it was a very good Sunday. River, you made us laugh a lot today. We are blessed to have you, little man!
Cutest part of today? I woke to River, some 12-weeks old, smiling, babbling, and batting his arms and legs towards my face, in an effort to wake me up. It was really something to see, as Aly and I were once again shown how much growing up this boy has been doing these past days and weeks. He is not the same little black-haired infant we brought home from the hospital back on October 27. Best part of that little episode? Aly was able to capture the whole thing on video via her iPhone. :)
17 January 2021
Day one of our long weekend was a success!
Check out the pics posted below. They really speak for themselves. The only things missing in the photos? How about River’s daily bath, watching the NFL Playoffs, getting River to nap on the couch, River staring lovingly at his parents (weird and cute), tummy time and other moments of play, and our meal periods.
River’s good attitude and smile made today a special one for Aly and me. We are so in love with this little baby. He is so both of us in ways that are obvious and subtle.
16 January 2021
15 January 2021
We’re about to start a long weekend, and it couldn’t come any sooner. Dada misses hanging with his boy! You had a good day today, Riv! Yes, you didn’t nap much, but you were quite playful, showed off your ever growing motor skills, smiled back to us lots with your beautiful little grin, and made us feel loved with your nuzzling. You are too cute!
Days with River. Nothing beats them. We played, we fed, we changed, we loved, we cradled, and we snuggled. Now it’s time for sleep. That was our day with the Riv Kid.
14 January 2021
13 January 2021
Hi everyone! Dada here! River asked me to post an update about all the growing up he is doing lately. Where do we begin? For starters, River had a great morning and afternoon hanging with Mom while Dada taught remotely. Growing up is tough work for a little baby like Rivulet! Did I mention how it can be equally challenging for confident mothers like Aly? Case in point: River and Mommy went on what should have been a nice and uneventful walk around the block to get some fresh air. Unfortunately, the trip had some freaky moments, with Aly and Riv being followed by some sketchy-looking stray dog for part of the time. Yes, Aly was prepared, and she readied the bear spray as a just-in-case, but luckily, she never had to use it. River also didn’t sleep much today by way of napping, but he drooled a lot, cried a little, and drank enough milk for three babies. Once home, Dada got to help River numerous times with his endless flatulence movements by holding his little leggies up; Riv pushed and pushed, trying to expel his stinkiness, and found many gratifying moments of success. After some play with some colorful contrasty lights, it was off to bed for our little love bug.
It was a great day to be parents overall. River, day by day, is becoming more and more talkative with his vocalizations and grins. The boy has a beautiful smile.
We are so proud!
January 12
Since River arrived, I have learned some things about myself. I always thought happiness was found in excitement and novel experiences. I thought it was found at the top of a mountain or on a plane to Europe. I never imagined I would be the kind of adult who would find contentment making nonsense noises with an infant or joy watching her baby learn to hit the mobile toys on his own. I never thought my life would feel perfect just watching my baby sleep on my husband’s lap. Does this mean that I mean to eschew all forms of adventure in the future. Of course not! In fact, I am so eager to share these experiences with River one day. But it just means that I learned that there are more layers to myself than I knew existed. And I kind of love them.
January 11
Mama here. River and I just experienced our first week alone together during the day while Daddy returned to work. Let me be honest. I was SO nervous about Bud going back to work. Up until this point, everything was a tag-team deal. Blow out? I hand Bud wipes and hold River’s legs up while Bud does the cleaning. Feeding? Bud brings me food and drinks while River is attached to me for hours. Naps? Bud rocks River to sleep while I take a shower and brush my teeth. How could I possibly do all these things on my own? Well, just like every other mama or daddy throughout history, I figured it out, and River, asleep on my lap, seems to think I know what I’m doing. So we’ll let him keep thinking that. And I’ll keep figuring it out.
10 January 2021
Today was a busy one, even though we only accomplished a walk, grocery shopping, a bath, and the usual activities associated with raising an 11-week old baby. Seriously, life is much more about small victories when it comes to rearing an infant child. It seems obvious to us now as experienced parents, but 8-weeks ago, this reality was a challenging one to come to terms with: for the longest time, we just felt lazy everyday, asking ourselves over and over again, “Where did the time go?”.
I am sitting here, writing all of this with the worst stomach ache. For that reason alone, I’m going to keep this entry short and sweet. It was a wonderful New England day today. The sun was shining, and the winds were not blustering. Temps meandered were in the upper 30s for most of the day. Most importantly, River was up for a 3-mile walk, which gave Mommy and Dada time to get in some exercise. Of course after the walk, Rivulet went into his usual afternoon feeding frenzy, but it was good being able to hang with him before his cluster feeding began. He is quite the hungry boy.
We love you so, so much, Little River.
9 January 2021
We love lazy Saturdays. Especially after a long week adjusting to the new routine of Dada being at work. Unfortunately, today was not as lazy as we would’ve liked due to the chores we had to catch up on, but we had some nice moments of being stationary with the Riv Kid. Speaking of work, Dada got word today that next week will be full remote like last week. This is due to the rising Coronavirus cases in the city of Taunton where I work.
All in all, it was a good Saturday. We cleaned a little, watched a some playoff football (this was the first NFL game watched this season!), and spent the majority of our time cuddling River. We say to ourselves every single day the following: how lucky we are to end up with a sweetheart of a child like River, who is so patient, so nice, so chill, and so cooperative with two noob parents.
Thank you for being so understanding, River. We love you, Little One!
Friday Fun Day
We survived our first week of Dada heading back to work! River adjusted well to the changes to his daily routine, Momma took full control over giving our Pumpkin everything he needs from exercise to food to love, and we managed to brave some frigid walks to boot.
There are opportunities and love everywhere in life: you just have to be willing to keep your heart and eyes open to such possibilities.
Riv had another blowout today. I’m beginning to wonder if this isn’t just his silly way of reminding us that he wants a daily bath added to the schedule.
We love you so much, River!
8 January 2021
River had a big day today! From walks with Mom around the block (3 times!), to a post-blowout bath with Dada, to hanging with his grandparents, River was the star of the show today. We couldn’t be more proud of our little Rivulet. He is handling the New England winters like a true and hearty New Englander. Mom and Dad are so proud of all that you are becoming, little one!
7 January 2021
6 January 2021
Today was another one of those days that occur from time-to-time. No matter what we did, River had only one thing he had to do today: feed, feed, feed, feed, feed. Oh, did I mention his need to feed? :)
He is such a good boy. He played during the few moments he wasn’t endlessly feeding, went for a walk with Momma while Dada worked, had a nice warm bath, and cuddled with his parents.
Let’s hope River is back to his old self come tomorrow.
5 January 2021
This is what life is like now: Dada goes to work, while River, at least until April, gets to spend quality time at home in the sweet care of Momma. Lucky for River, Momma is quite the caring mother.
Little ones need their moms far more than they do their dads at this age. It’s just the nature of things.
At least I get little moments like this to break up the day. In case it’s not obvious, being able to send River little video messages in between classes.
Today was a typical cold New England day in January. It lightly snowed for a bit, with none of the flakes sticking much. I worked, came home to briefly see River and Aly, drove to Fairhaven for my daily run (I’m slow and out of shape, but that will change in no time, right?), and enjoyed dinner with my beautiful family. Aly cooked us some sweet potatoes, along with fresh salads and some leftover enchilada soup from yesterday’s feast. Oh, and our family tent finally arrived in the mail. We had the outer tarp portion already, but Hyperlite Mountain Gear gave us a wicked deal and sent us the inner portion of it as well.
River + Aly + backpacking = HAPPINESS
Scroll down to view pictures taken today.
4 January 2021
I went back to work today. I normally LOVE work. Right now though I love River a little more. It was a tough day.
Aly and River on the other hand got some more intimate bonding time together today with me out of the house. River is beginning to learn how to nap on his own, and Aly made us some amazing salads and enchilada soup from scratch. Both were absolutely delicious.
I ran a pathetic two miles today after work. I feel like I should mention that. I don’t know why. Maybe just to serve as a reminder of some truths I am starting to realize:
I need to have more than TWO hours of sleep if I am going to attempt any form of exercise after a long day at work.
Running in below freezing temps is fun. Seriously. I love it. Warming up is a challenge, but the running itself: absolutely better to run in the cold than in the cool or warm.
Maintaining exercise is going to be a challenge with how busy life is at the moment. Can I keep up my resolutions and my goals? Joe Rogan says it’s all about momentum. The question is, will I be the one to stop the momentum I also put into motion? Time will tell …
I’m tired, and I’m far too old to be running off of two hours of sleep. I need to get ready for bed. River, I love you, pal. You’re in a good home.
Below are some pictures of my day. Some of the images capture what classrooms look like with the current pandemic underway.
3 January 2021
Dada here. Today was a great day overall. For a Sunday, it was a relatively low key affair; Aly and I gave River the usual routine of love, meals, and playtime; we compiled a grocery list for the week; River napped and napped and napped; we ate leftover Mills chicken noodle soup from yesterday; and I ran my first 5k of the new year (in a rainy finish).
Oh, yeah. River also had his first complete breakdown at home today. It took 10 weeks for the inevitable to finally happen. One would have guessed that getting his first round of vaccinations would have solicited such a response, right?
It happened around 5pm, and overtook Aly and I like wildfire. It was bound to happen, really, right? Babies learn there are limits to things we feel and experience in life, and painfully, adults have to enforce, guide, and soothe our little ones through such difficult learning moments.
The impetus for such a tantrum? I had to deny him his mother’s breast in exchange for a bottle. Yup. That was the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back. Sure, for many weeks now, River accepted bottles during the rare occasions we gave one to him, regardless of whether or not there was breast milk or formula in them; this might be a good time to mention that we had to go the formula route for a bit, two weeks to be exact, while waiting for that precious liquid gold to arrive in the abundance needed to nourish a growing youngling. Anyways, River didn’t just cry or moan about the sudden change in dinner plans: he wept and wailed and continued to completely lose his mind as one minute turned into ten minutes. Afterwards, with repeated attempts to soothe his satiety with encouragement to find refuge in the bottle, and through more bouts of pitchy shrieking, River collapsed into my arms and rested himself on my shoulder. As he buried his sorrows forcefully into my body, it was hard not to be able to do more to help my little man through this quirky rough patch. For Aly, a mother, it was even harder to bear, given the fact that she had just nursed Rivulet for a full meal period to that point in time.
What did I learn today? Nothing can prepare a father for the moment they hear their son (or daughter) cry uncontrollably, with real tears and a reddened face to boot. I guess we’re all just growing up right now, and I don’t just mean River. Life is not a journey with a destination, but it is an experience of learning and growing.
I love you little Rivulet.
— Dada
“The best teacher is experience and not through someone's distorted point of view.”
— Jack Kerouac, On the Road
River, resting after his tantrum.
A day of exercise, cuddles, pooping, and soup
2 January 2021
Dad here. I’m tired. Very tired. I am supposed to keep up with my resolutions for the new year, and one of those is to maintain this website for our own memories. Technically speaking I already messed that intention up. I am posting this update at 12:31am on January 3, NOT January 2. Nevertheless, here is what we did today (er, yesterday) with our little River boy:
(There are pictures below of what I was able to capture of Momma and Rivulet)
— Dada
Lots of cuddles
Baby massages
Body exercises for little River, as well as for Momma and Dada at the Fairhaven Bike Path.
Aly made an amazing dinner of sweet potatoes and chicken noodle soup, while Bud did some home maintenance. The meal was amazing. Seriously. If you haven’t had Mills Chicken Soup yet, you’re missing out. It’s a staple in our household.
River spent one hour rejecting a bottle. He used to love eating, regardless of the format. As of late, his preference has strongly been breast or nothing.
River pooped twice today. For those of you that aren’t parents yet, you may not know that babies, as they move from the newborn stages to the infant stages of growing up, tend to poo less. While that is normal, obsessive parents (like Dada) like to see their little ones defecate with more regularity.
Happy New Year!
1 January 2021
We’ve been busy. Very, very busy. River is here. He is new to the this world, and likewise, we are new to the world of parenting. We had to make a choice to turn off the world of online communications to better spend our time living in the present. It’s been a whirlwind two months since River came into our lives, and finally, we are starting to develop a routine.
With numerous New Year’s resolutions we are trying to maintain, expect to see more updates on this page. For now, know that we are all very healthy, very happy, very sleepy, and enjoying the cuddles of a tiny little newborn. We never thought we could love any one person this much.
River, we love you.
Enjoy some pictures down below of our numerous outdoor walks with our little Rivulet. Fairhaven’s bike path has been a good friend as usual. Thank you!
River is on third base, waiting for Aly to step up to the plate: Can she hit him home?
30 October 2020
Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, family and friends: we are proud to present to you all the VERY LATE update of Baby River’s arrival to the world. At 2:27 PM, on October 24, 2020, River Alfred Silveira was born in Fall River, Massachusetts. He weighed 7 pounds, 1.4 ounces, and measured approximately 21 inches in length. If you scroll down below, you’ll see some images of our sweet little boy. :)
River has been an absolute joy to love, care for, and entertain. We are very lucky parents.
We love you, River.
![River’s Birth-25.jpeg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f8ea6069fb00e36cc0de96d/1604077246453-1F0OLBTCB2BX9W0NP709/River%E2%80%99s+Birth-25.jpeg)
![River’s Birth-31.jpeg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f8ea6069fb00e36cc0de96d/1604077247731-JHKYAXZNI52X7EJ871X3/River%E2%80%99s+Birth-31.jpeg)
![River’s Birth-32.jpeg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f8ea6069fb00e36cc0de96d/1604077249732-2J3VBP618HJRLSU3W06W/River%E2%80%99s+Birth-32.jpeg)
![River’s Birth-23.jpeg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f8ea6069fb00e36cc0de96d/1604077250863-A3QAB19YMZB56MBKKZIC/River%E2%80%99s+Birth-23.jpeg)
![River’s Birth-22.jpeg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f8ea6069fb00e36cc0de96d/1604077377667-5R7HRKKWD0FWMIIB8SPM/River%E2%80%99s+Birth-22.jpeg)
![River’s Birth-21.jpeg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f8ea6069fb00e36cc0de96d/1604077410531-JNWQJFVDHU041SBNXGXM/River%E2%80%99s+Birth-21.jpeg)
![River’s Birth-19.jpeg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f8ea6069fb00e36cc0de96d/1604077433783-7K4D67VIDA7E90CMQD5J/River%E2%80%99s+Birth-19.jpeg)
![River’s Birth-16.jpeg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f8ea6069fb00e36cc0de96d/1604077492505-5V0ZDCT1ZNZWV67VJEF0/River%E2%80%99s+Birth-16.jpeg)
![River’s Birth-14.jpeg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f8ea6069fb00e36cc0de96d/1604077518536-79LWE9XD8IGQJ5LH27HX/River%E2%80%99s+Birth-14.jpeg)
![River’s Birth-12.jpeg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f8ea6069fb00e36cc0de96d/1604077550665-YMUHXRTLOBER9S0SE4BX/River%E2%80%99s+Birth-12.jpeg)
![River’s Birth-11.jpeg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f8ea6069fb00e36cc0de96d/1604077568316-WEVCPWOOHFTHB9FPL3CU/River%E2%80%99s+Birth-11.jpeg)
![River’s Birth-10.jpeg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f8ea6069fb00e36cc0de96d/1604077587966-OLSNYPLVXQXS247TFGY9/River%E2%80%99s+Birth-10.jpeg)
![River’s Birth-09.jpeg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f8ea6069fb00e36cc0de96d/1604077607530-F0FFHAQ78QGF2AEMWIAP/River%E2%80%99s+Birth-09.jpeg)
![River’s Birth-07.jpeg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f8ea6069fb00e36cc0de96d/1604077630036-AIP5HV1FTS2ISS8KIZFC/River%E2%80%99s+Birth-07.jpeg)
![River’s Birth-06.jpeg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f8ea6069fb00e36cc0de96d/1604077649596-D7V45H92KJT8XBA1WZ9E/River%E2%80%99s+Birth-06.jpeg)
![River’s Birth-04.jpeg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f8ea6069fb00e36cc0de96d/1604077672919-1JHXYQLCAQUV3935UXB8/River%E2%80%99s+Birth-04.jpeg)
![River’s Birth-01.jpeg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f8ea6069fb00e36cc0de96d/1604077695331-I00472D1TJG19F0QOLFJ/River%E2%80%99s+Birth-01.jpeg)
![River’s Birth-02.jpeg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f8ea6069fb00e36cc0de96d/1604077745368-M4PKURXVH425LPNJE6GR/River%E2%80%99s+Birth-02.jpeg)
River is just about ready!
24 October 2020, 11:09am
Aly received the epidural, and boy, did that make all the difference in the world! She is much happier now, and we’re both excited to share that her water broke, she is dilated at 9cm, and we’re moments away from beginning that final step. Oh, and River gets a free hat! :)
If you click on the button below, there’s a bit of humor for anyone reading this. Just choose VIEW when you click on the link. :)
22 October 2020
Yup. There’s been a change in plans.
Aly went in for some extra blood work yesterday. The long and the short of it is this: she is showing some early signs of possible preeclampsia. To prevent that, the doctor told us to await a phone call for when a bed at the hospital might open up. Yes, that’s right: we were told to drop everything we thought we were doing today, because the time had come: River was to be delivered as soon as possible.
Saturday is the big day.
20 October 2020
We’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting. After what seems like a lifetime of anticipation, the long wait for River is almost over. At this point, Aly has been growing our little rivulet for 4 days and 38 weeks to be exact. As I reflect on how long this journey has been on the road to becoming parents, we finally find ourselves at the pinnacle of it all: at the sunrise of a whole new chapter of our lives, waiting to see what surprises this new day will bring us.
What happened over these past nine months was historic in its own right. The pandemic came and stayed. A thru hike of the AT was cancelled. Economies collapsed. Gold and silver markets hit unprecedented highs. The world changed completely. Heck, even our jobs as teachers changed, too. Yet through it all, we effectively weathered storm after storm with a lot of love, a little bit of luck, and copious amounts of much needed support from family and friends.
Oh, and we definitely had our fun as well. We went on some hiking trips, camped a little, watched as Aly’s feet and legs swelled to the size of watermelons, became regulars at a local pierogi eatery, and sold a lot of our possessions in the name of minimalism.
My favorite memories over this time period are numerous, but right now, I find myself reflecting mostly on the moments I’ve spent with the fetus. River and I learned to communicate on a nightly basis through his Momma’s belly, and we’ve developed a bonding ritual of father-son communication that I long to continue once he is born. I will surely remember this year with distinct fondness for the rest of my life.
I love you, Aly. I love you, River. We will meet you soon, sweet boy.
- Daddy
Halfway on the North South Trail!
10 + 11 October 2020
My father-in-law Alfred and I ventured 43 miles to the halfway point of Rhode Island’s North South Trail (NST). The NST is approximately 73 miles in length, runs the length of the state vertically, and takes northbound walkers from the beaches of South County, all the way to the border of northwestern Massachusetts.
It took us two days to walk 43 miles. Aly and the fetus dropped us off and picked us up from the trail each day. It was a great way to see the fall foliage, while also having some male bonding with the Original Mills man. All in all, it was a great trip. After all, we got to see some great fall foliage, explore the unknown areas of Rhode Island, bumped into the biggest snake I’d ever seen in my life, and gave our bodies a supreme physical challenge to overcome.
Needless to say, we can’t wait to finish the trail in the near future.
“I was surprised, as always, by how easy the act of leaving was, and how good it felt. The world was suddenly rich with possibility.”
- Jack Kerouac
Camping in NH
2 + 3 October 2020
Aly and I took some time to get out of Dodge. Considering we were almost two weeks into our favorite season, we thought seeing the fall foliage of New Hampshire would be a safe bet for some much needed R&R. Boy were we right. We enjoyed a cool night under the stars (the first cool night in almost four months), walked a minuscule portion of White Mountain National Forest, saw some dazzling autumn colors, and stumbled on quite possibly the best jam stand in the world.
The video below was a first using the Sony A7R IV. I’m early in the honeymoon stages of using it, but it’s quickly becoming one of my favorite cameras, period.